A brief overview of the tech stack contributions and open data sources that make this project possible.
- CARTO : Analyze, visualize and develop with spatial data at limitless scale in your data warehouse.
- Leaflet : An open-source library for interactive, mobile-friendly maps.
- MarineTraffic : Global Ship Tracking Intelligence.
- OpenStreetMap : A collaborative project providing a free, editable map of the world.
- Submarine Cable Map (TeleGeography) : An interactive global map visualizing submarine cable networks and connectivity.
Open Data
- International Maritime Organization : IMO is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.
- IISS : The International Institute for Strategic Studies is a world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.
- MarineTraffic : Global Ship Tracking Intelligence.
- OpenStreetMap : A collaborative project providing a free, editable map of the world.
- Submarine Telecoms Forum : Leading digital platform for submarine cable industry insights.
- Submarine Cable Map (TeleGeography) : An interactive global map visualizing submarine cable networks and connectivity.
- War & Sanctions : Documenting sponsors and supporters of russian aggression.
- Astro : A modern static site builder for fast and optimized websites.
- BiomeJs : Streamlines content management and enhances markdown workflows.
- KaTeX : A fast library for rendering mathematical notation.
- Leaflet : An open-source library for interactive, mobile-friendly maps.
- Radix UI : Accessible, unstyled components for building robust web interfaces.
- React : A library for building dynamic, component-based user interfaces.
- Rehype KaTeX : Integrates Katex with rehype for seamless math rendering in markdown.
- Remark Math : A plugin to parse and transform math expressions in markdown.
- Shadcn/ui : A set of beautifully-designed, accessible, and customizable components to help you build your component library. Open Source.
- Tailwind CSS : A utility-first framework for rapid styling and customization.
- TypeScript : A strongly typed superset of JavaScript that enhances code quality and maintainability.